Monday, June 05, 2006


The National Salvation Front, a Syrian opposition group founded in exile, has ended its inaugural congress in London saying there was no doubt that the Syrian government would fall.

In its final declaration at the close of the congress on Monday, the group called on Syrians to "break down the barriers of fear" and overturn the government of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, but not through violent means. ...

"The National Salvation Front also invites the armed forces to shoulder national and historic responsibility, to be the army of the people," the statement added. It urged the security forces, especially "officers used by the regime to inflict injustice on the citizens ... to live up to their moral and national responsibilities and refuse to obey the orders of the corrupt group that all of you know is corrupt and oppressive."

Alongside Khaddam and the Muslim brotherhood, Kurdish parties, independents and communists took part in the London meeting.
Key Syrian opposition figures Monday urged Syrians to work to oust President Basher Assay by using acts of civil disobedience reminiscent to the upheaval that freed nations behind the Iron Curtain. Describing Assay's regime as oppressive and corrupt, the leaders pledged to bring democracy to Syria, which has been ruled by Assay since the death of his father, Haze, in 2000. ... A representative from the Kurdish minority as well as liberal and democratic groups also attended the London meeting.The alliance has pledged that the proposed transitional government would abolish Syria's 1963 state of emergency and release all political prisoners.
Syrians deserve self government, government by consent of the governed, self-determination as much as anybody else. Soon, the Syrians will have it. Because of Bush, and the Brammertz Report, and because there is a diverse and united opposition to Assad's murderous baathist/socialist regime.

The Bush Doctrine is working and Democracy is on the advance - and democracy will bring prosperity and peace.


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    The Bush doctrine (I refuse to capitalize such ineffectual
    hypocrisy) is NOT working anywhere in the Mideast. This collection of disparate anti-Baathists doesn't have a chance of building a democracy in Syria.And,as Joe Biden said yesterday,Iraq still does not have a unity government worthy of the name.

  2. joe biden is a RPOVEN liar and plagiarist and an oaf.

    his opion means zip.

    in fact, there is a unity government in iraq - officialy recognized by the UN.

    biden's plan - to break up iraq into three nations is tantampount to surrendering to alQaeda, and it wo9uold NEVER be agreed to byu the iraqi goverbnment.

    biden would have to impose it - he could get help from alQaedal they'd be happy to return the favor!

  3. Anonymous8:23 PM

    THE leading Sunni religious group agrees with Biden implicitly.
    They just are not satisfied with this "unity" government, the malcontents!

  4. i read the article from the german press you linked to.

    the sunni leader in it is OBVIOUSLY posturing before a conference sponsored by the AL. and he only represents a small part of the sunnis.

    this PROVES that the political process is WORKING. that the majority of arab sunnis in iraq WANT an effective unity government.

    besides: his is an extra-governmental group.

    you are grasping at straws.

    we must help the iraqis defeat alQaeda, and help the iraqi govt crackdown on the militias.

    that's all.

    if we leave before the job is done we have dishonored the USA our military and our allies and the cause of liberty.

    and we encourage more attacks everywhere in the world.

    i repeat every charge against biden: liar; plagiarist; phony dupe fool partisan hack. moron. bloviasting jerk. pandering to the loony left base in order to get traction in the 1008 race.

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Biden is a HAWK on Iraq and the fact you associate him with the Democratic Left shows you're not doing your homework. I abhor both his "solution" and his Hillary-whoring hawkishness which runs against the wishes of 80% of the Democratic rank and file.

    But he happens,at least,to be right on the basic fact,there is no unity government
    functioning in Iraq at this time.

  6. you forgot that empire crap and the 'fact' that bush stole the election and was behind 9/11 and drank casey sheehans blood to stop from turning into a lizard.
