Wednesday, June 07, 2006


You're an enlightened world citizen. Your T-shirt says "9/11 was an inside job." You're pretty sure we're living in a fascist state, that President Bush taps the Dixie Chicks' phones, Christian abortion clinic bombers outnumber jihadis, and the war on "terror" is a distraction from the real threats: carbon emissions and Pat Robertson.

Then you learn that 17 people were arrested in a terrorist bomb plot. How do you process the information? Let's take it step by step.

Gosh, that's horrible, you think. But no -- that's what they WANT you to feel. Recall the prime directive: Question Authority (unless he's a college professor). The plotters must have been impoverished olive farmers radicalized by the removal of Saddam Hussein.
It would be funny if it weren't so so so so SO very VERY true. RTWT.


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Notice Lileks has the typical deficiencies of a neocon
    sympathizer. Never questioning
    whether Moslems in significant numbers should have been let in Canada in the first place.

  2. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Let's explore,but briefly, the phenomenon of Falwell and Robertson. Are they even "Conservative?" More like
    apocalyptic and certainly not representative of the optimism of AB. I mean, "Armageddon around the corner" theology is certainly not optimistic.

    So why does AB use them? Because they represent the only significant
    "Christian conservative" movements in America! Like Rummy said, you
    go with the army you have.

    Consider. "Premillenial dispensationlists" who believe they have correctly interpreted
    one obscure book of the Bible to apply to contemporary poliitics,specifically to order
    their flock to support right-wing
    Israeli governments at any cost!

    Why? To usher in the return of Christ who will supposedly destroy his enemies,chiefly those nations which will invade Israel during which battle Gentile Christians will be "raptured" away while Jews,
    en masse, will convert to Christianity, finally recognizing their Messiah.

    Comic book theology,and a belief-system which propels millions of
    Christian Americans into an unequivocally uncompromising
    pro-Israeli/anti-Islamic pattern of only voting for candidates who
    support the Likud Party.

    No wonder the more Traditional
    Conservative Christians along with secularists and liberals find danger in such a radical, pessimistic cult, making America more unnecessary enemies in the
