Sunday, June 11, 2006


The Israeli military is still trying to determine if shells it fired killed seven members of a Palestinian family picnicking on a beach in Gaza on Friday. The military has accounted for five of the six shells it fired into Gaza, and said they didn't kill the family.
If the whole thing wasn't staged and phony, then perhaps the artillery shell was deliberately fired by Hamas?! IT'S A FACT THAT HAMAS HAS MURDERED MANY MANY GAZANS - (mostly Fatah members). I think it's possible that Hamas thought it might advance their control of Gaza and hurt Abbas and Fatah.

An Israel Defense Forces intelligence officer has confirmed that the explosion that killed eight Palestinians on Friday, was caused by a stockpile of Hamas explosives.

"Shortly after we stopped defensive firing at Hamas rocket launch pads which were deployed behind Palestinian human shields, members of Hamas scrambled to fire more rockets at our positions," said Col. M. "We have eyes on every meter of Gaza, from the sky, from the ground and from the sea. One of their rocket tripods collapsed inadvertently setting off an explosion of a stockpile of Qassam rockets. The Palestinians killed their own children. And this was not the first time."
This would make it an accident, and the reaction - immediately blaming the IDF - merely knee-jerk anti-Semitism by Arabs and the MSM. The immediacy of the videotaping makes me think it was DELIBERATE and not an accident. Stay tuned.

6/12 UPDATE: More and more it seems lime a HOAX (THE AMERICAN THINKER):
Israel’s IDF uses 155 mm artillery shells. These are quite powerful and invariably leave a crater, some as deep as four feet in soft soil like sand. Virtually none were visible in the film. Particularly in the area immediately adjacent to the family’s alleged picnic site.
WOULD THE PALISTANIS REALLY DO SUCH A THING?! Of course: those who would MURDER thier own daughters and call it "honor-killings" would do anything and lie about it; they cannot be trusted; they mustn't be trusted.

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