Sunday, June 11, 2006


There are still folks around who think that we are living in a 9/10 world. As if we brought global jihad on us by invading Iraq.

The jets which came out of a clear blue sky on 9/11, and were used as jihadoterror-bombs were on a mission PLANNED while: Clinton was president; the Oslo Plan was on track - and Israel had a Labor PM who was firmly in the Dove camp and had UNILATERALLY withdrawn from Lebanon; Afghanistan was firmly controlled by the Taliban; and oil was cheap.
Neoconservatism had about as much to do with the people who were behind 9/11 as ice hockey does.

This global jihad was declared by the enemy when Carter allowed the Shah to be overthrown and replaced by Khomeini - in 1979. They attacked us MANY times between 1979 and 9/10/01. And we never responded adequately. And they escalated their attacks - month after month after month.

On 9/12/01, Bush accepted the fact that the so-called "realism" which had dominated foreign policy since Vietnam - (EXCEPT for Reagan's "in your face" approach to the USSR, which scared the becheezus out of the Left and the MSM and the EU, but which WON THE FRIGGIN COLD WAR!) - was obsolete.

Bush became a 9/11 person and a war-time president.

There are still "9/10 people" around - half of the Dems (their Left-wing base) and some fringe GOP'ers who long for the status quo - as if it was ever good!

A wise man once said that yesterday has never defeated tomorrow.

Which is why the jihadomaniacs can never defeat us: they're not just yesterday; they're living with an attitude that 1500 years old.

And it's also why the 9/10 people will never defeat the 9/11 people.

Denying the TRUTH of today's world and living in yesterday or yester-year cannot ever make the world safer or freer or more prosperous.

More HERE.

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