Tuesday, May 09, 2006


First this item, from the BBC:
Liberia sex-for-aid 'widespread'
Young girls in Liberia are still being sexually exploited by aid workers and peacekeepers despite pledges to stamp out such abuse, Save the Children says. Girls as young as eight are being forced to have sex in exchange for food by workers for local and international agencies, according to its report. The agency says such abuse is continuing as people displaced by the civil war return to their villages.
This was hardly the first UN sex scandal - more HERE and HERE and HERE and and HERE. And HERE, too. IT'S OBVIOUSLY A SYSTEMIC PROBLEM.

NOW THIS - (also from the BBC):
UN elects new human rights body -

UN general assembly -
Voting is expected to finish on Tuesday -

Several nations considered by activists to have poor human rights records have won election to the newly formed UN Human Rights Council. China, Cuba, Pakistan, Russia and Saudi Arabia were among 44 states confirmed on the 47-strong council, elected by the UN General Assembly.
(More on the idiotic "UN Humans Rights Council" HERE.)

And who could forget the
UN FOOD FOR OIL SCANDAL, (MORE HERE.) Or that Kofi is corrupt useless scum who stood by and watched as 750,000 Rwandans were slaughtered.

I have come to believe that THE UN DOES MORE HARM THAN GOOD.

It's time to withdraw, and KICK THEM OUT OF THE USA. They can sell the Manhattan property to Trump - it would make a fine hotel/condo/casino/marina.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I like the fact Saudi Arabia was elected. It has a country that has made great leaps in the human rights area of society. The Government has raised raised awareness on physical abuse in general through targeted campaigns. It has also initiated organizations to aid in that effort.

    There's some horrible bias in the global media these days and people are just not getting the full story.
