Wednesday, May 10, 2006


British regulators yesterday ruled that fertility clinics may screen out human embryos carrying genes that raise the risk of cancer in adulthood -- a move the government said could prevent future suffering but that others said was proof that the age of handpicked, "designer" babies is at hand. ... Some experts fear that as scientists discover genes affecting traits such as obesity, addiction, intelligence or height, a market in elective embryo screening may emerge -- backed by evidence that selected children would be healthier, happier and more successful.

The kind of testing in question, known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis, is conducted on one or two cells removed harmlessly from a three-day-old test tube embryo created by in vitro fertilization. If a cell is found to harbor an unwanted gene, that embryo is not used.
This type of screening is immoral. It's eugenics and it's a hop-skip-and-jump from this to "creating a master race." Amniocentesis yields similar results. And the CHOICE CROWD supports it: PERIOD. After all, (they seem to say): "Having perfect babies is so much more pleasureable. That's what the secular pro-choice crowd is ALL about, really: hedonism: "If it feels good, then do it." Even if it's immoral - 'cause in their morally relativist world, there's no such thing as universal morality; morality is just subjective, merely product of one's culture. Which is why they're incapable of advocating direct action to support universal human rights. Heck, I can't even find a pro-choice person to admit that using abortion to choose the gender of a baby should be made illegal WORLDWIDE. Their's is truly a Brave New World. Brave New World is nothing if not a Leftist totalitarian "utopia" where pleasure rules. And where imperfect babies are aborted. Imperfect PEOPLE killed. Shameless.

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