Monday, January 02, 2006


AP/USA TODAY: N. Korea threatens not to return to nuclear talks
North Korea said Tuesday it cannot return to international nuclear disarmament talks unless the United States lifts sanctions imposed for its alleged currency counterfeiting and other illegal activities.

"While under U.S. sanctions, it's impossible to sit face-to-face and discuss abandoning our nuclear deterrent," said the Rodong Sinmun, the North's ruling Workers Party newspaper, in a Korean-language commentary carried by the official Korean Central News Agency. "The U.S. sanctions are obviously the fundamental element that disrupts the six-party talks," the newspaper said. The commentary was the first North Korean statement on the nuclear issue this year.
NoKos idiotic and obviously insincere on-again off-again negotiating ploys are getting OLD.

It's time to make them ONE LAST FINAL OFFER: They EITHER dismantle their nuclear program, and in return we will build a nuclear power plant in SOUTH Korea which will supply them with free power (until they can afford to buy cheap power). Or, we launch a massive, computer-coordinated, 15,000 strong smart missile preemptive strike (the likes of which have never been seen) entirely destroying their military. (And - BTW - we tell this to the Chinese and let them convince the NoKos to do what's right.)

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