Monday, January 02, 2006


AXCESS: Venezuela's Private Oil Fields Back Under Government Control
Sunday, Venezuelan oil minister Rafael Ramirez said that the government "has successfully completed the recovery of the 32 oil fields whose control was ceded to private hands in the 1990s under concessions allowing companies to independently pump oil under contract."

Operating agreements the private oil companies and the Venevuelan government had to operate the oil fields expired December 31st when the companies failed to convert them into joint ventures with the State owned Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA). The joint ventures were to give majority control to PDVSA. As a result of the agreements not converting, Venezuela took back the fields.
In Venezuela and Russia things are going backwards. WHY?! The socialist "oil-garchs" Chavez and Putin are taking advantage of our focus on the GWOT and Iran and North Korea. WHAT'S THE SOLUTION?! We need to drill for oil in ANWR and in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida, and anywhere else we got oil - NOW.

Here's another interesting column on Chavez and his fellow socialists Castro and Morales from AXCESS; EXCERPT: Media Glorify Socialist Thugs, While Their People Risk Death to Enter US
According to a number of Sunday news stories, during Bolivia's newly elected President Evo Morales' visit with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in Havana, the two communist leaders announced that the cooperation between their two countries will blossom. Of course, the American news media avoided the words "communism" and "communist" or even "socialism" or "socialist," preferring the term "left-leaning."

One may argue that the US Democrat Party is left-leaning instead of being socialist or communist, but Morales and Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez aren't leaning -- they wholeheartedly jumped into the radical-socialist cesspool. [...]

While the likes of the New York Times portrays the US as a nation approaching a police state, with the Democrat Party and some "left-leaning" Republicans concerned with the decline in civil liberties, thousands and thousands of people risk life and limb to enter the US to live a life of abject poverty rather than remaining in their own socialist countries.
I couldn't have said it better myself. RTWT.

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