Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Book publishing is part of the MSM - with all the concomittant issues therein, ie: trenchant leftism; over-empahasis on post-modernism, "pushing the envelope" and trendiness; an inability to distinguis REAL talent from MERE audacity, and an unwillingness to even look at talent it if it's traditionalist. (OF COURSE THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS; there are now several imprints which specialize in conservative and traditionalist books - but they are in the distinct MINORITY and their books are virtually guaranteed to get less coverage/reviews in the MSM. They find their audience through talk radio and the blogosphere.)

of MSM idiocy (via Dissecting Leftism):
Publishers and agents have rejected two Booker prize-winning novels submitted as works by aspiring authors. One of the books considered unworthy by the publishing industry was by V S Naipaul, one of Britain's greatest living writers, who won the Nobel prize for literature. The exercise by The Sunday Times draws attention to concerns that the industry has become incapable of spotting genuine literary talent. Typed manuscripts of the opening chapters of Naipaul's In a Free State and a second novel, Holiday, by Stanley Middleton, were sent to 20 publishers and agents. None appears to have recognised them as Booker prizewinners from the 1970s that were lauded as British novel writing at its best. Of the 21 replies, all but one were rejections".
I think this problem is WORSE in the movie business: the producers and the professional readers/gatekeepers are even less well-informed (about movies) and even more trend-oriented, more Leftist and more post-modern. What's the result of this insularity: bad box office. Which proves that the marketplace knows a good book and a good movie better thean the so-called pros. Which is EVEN MORE VINDICATION for Hayek and Surowiecki.

NEED MORE PROOF? Well, LOTR was REJECTED by 20 studios before New Line said yes. And virtually no wanted to publish an "overly long" children's fantasy book by an unknown writer on welfare; you: most agents and publishers turned down the first book by ... JK ROWLING.

THERE IS HOPE: the NEW MEDIA is breaking down the barriers to entry for writers, and soon more and more new writers will be able to find a HUGE PAYING audience without having to please a few gatekeepers. As the wise man once said (about another matter) FASTER PLEASE!

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