Tuesday, January 03, 2006


POWERLINE points us to a blogpost by TOM JOSCELYN, who points to a 12/1/05 article he penned for The Weekly Standard.

The article is about another LEAK published by James Risen - of the NYTIMES. About how captured al Qaeda leader, Zubaydah, had told the CIA about Iraq's VERY NUANCED relationship with al Qaeda. But that Bush made it seem pervasive and iron-clad.

This leak was FALSE, and deliberately misleading in a way that was mant to HURT BUSH, and it probably points us toward the identity of the NSA leakers, too. And THEIR motives. Actually, the SSCI reported that tyhe CIA mislead Bush, and never told hium about the caveats within Zubayda's account, nor did the CIA leakers tell them to the NYTIMES. To Bush, the CIA gave the impression that there was no doubt; to the NYTIMES the CIA leakers gave the inmpression that there were no ties. WHY WOULD A LEAKER DO THIS? To hurt Bush.

LOOKIT: these leaks to Risen were either leaked by the SAME PERSON, or by someone who SOUGHT OUT RISEN (and the NYTIMES) because they knew that the NYTIMES would be EAGER to publish anything that would hurt Bush - even if it would hurt national security.

Why would CIA or NSA people do stuff to hurt Bush? Because these leaks were PROBABLY done by career bureaucrats (at the CIA or the NSA or the FISA Court) who think they KNOW BETTER than Bush (the popularly ELECTED leader of our nation), and they think that by TORPEDO-ING the foreign policies of our POPULARLY ELECTED LEADER, that they are saving the nation. In truth, these leaks amount to a virtual coup d'etat, by the leakers - and their comrades in the Left-wing dominated MSM. The leakers must be found, and prosecuted -for leaking and for TREASON.

We find the leakers by finding the emails and phones calls which Risen (and the other bigshots at the NYTIMES) received or made to CIA/NSA/FISA people around the time which BOTH of the articles were written - and appeared. YUP: APPEARED; these guys strike me as the kind that can't help gloating. And we shouldn't take well-known Bush-haters Richard Clarke, Rand Beers, or Larry Wilkerson off the list, either. MORE HERE.

1 comment:

  1. The CIA and NSA hire Muslims. A Muslim who hates Bush would be highly motivated.
