Monday, December 05, 2005


The Left - and the MSM they still dominate - has not once ever criticized the Algerians for how brutally they have put down their jihadoterrorist "insurgency" - in which HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS HAVE DIED. The Left - and the MSM they still dominate - only criticize the USA.

WHY ARE THEY SO SELECTIVE?! Because they want the USA to be chastized.

WHY DO THEY WANT AMERICA SO SEVERELY AND UNIQUELY CHASTIZED? Because of colonialism/imperialism/capitalism and rugged individualism/industrialization and global warming etc. etc. etc. and so on and so forth. In other words: it's about their Leftness, their long-term post-modernist love affair with multicuturalism and the idiotic Leftist critique of Western Civilization (which is pure HOGWASH) and NOT what's really happening now in Iraq or the GWOT.

This is what I find is so dang frustrating about the Left: They attack the West and capitalism and free trade (as heartless/selfish) and defend socialism and multiculturalism even though Western Civ and capitalism and free trade have been the forces which have MOST improved the lives of more people everywhere, more than any other "ism" anywhere at anytime. And socialism (which includes Nazism, Stalinism, Maoism, and Baathism) has actually hurt the most people, worsened the most economies, and fostered the most genocide of any "ism" at anytime, anywhere, in all of human history.

If the Left really were idealists drawn to Leftst ideology to help poor people, then they would look around and see the facts and realize that the opposite is true. And then they would embrace capitalism and industrialization and free trade. That fact that they don't reveals that their attachment to Leftism is not idealistic but IRRATIONAL.

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