Monday, December 05, 2005


The IDF will retaliate MASSIVELY for ther Netanya "islamikaze genocide attack" today which killed five.

This will be no mere 'clintonian" pin-prick response: the IDF will INVADE Gaza and stay there FOR A FEW WEEKS rooting out and KILLING the enemy. As they did durting OPERATION DEFNSIVE SHIELD, I guess.

Good. If the PA and Abbas can't/won't root out and/or disarm the jihadoterrorists (as they are legally bound to do) then Israel will. And the IDF wil reportedly resume targeted assassinations and house demolitions. VERY GOOD. Killing the enemy - killing those opposed to peaceful co-exsistence is very good. KILL THEM ALL.

More HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.


  1. Last night C-SPAN ran the Chomsky-Dershowitz debate. In response to one of the questions, Dershowitz declared that he thought the Israeli policy of house demolitions was something he would not do.

    I've never really understood the purpose of them, either. Do you know what it is?

  2. often bombers families got homes and/or $$ for homes - often from saddam.

    destroying the home discouraged this incentive.

    also: many home demolitions were of hoimes used for gun/mortar attacks. or to shield them.

    so destroying them reduced the attacks.

    i love the lefties who criticize the IDF practice of controlled demolition of a home but never say boo about terrorist's attacks on pizza/cafe's/shopping malls/homes.

    frankly: the idf and the usa have been TOO EFFIN WEAK in our counter-attack on jihadoterrorism.

    we should have used a samml nuke on tora-bora. that would've sent the right message."DON'T TREAD ON ME." the gwot would be over.

  3. I am against the use of nuclear weapons. It seems to me, it is a Pandora's box. The only nation to have used nukes is us, but at least we have the excuse that we didn't fully understand they damage we would cause.

    Now, that everybody knows, the only reason to use nukes is in retaliation for the use of nukes.

    If we attack a Muslim country with nukes, that will give all Muslim nations the idea that it is ok to hit us with nukes.

    At a certain point, the logic leads to the destruction of the entire world.

    A lot of people talk of nukes when they get emotional. Perhaps, you were being emotional.

    Or, maybe you think such an idea is rational.

    I love your blog, but you lost me there.

  4. Pastorius,

    The house demolitions are an old, old police practice that was carried over from the Ottoman Empire. It's somethig that has been done in that part of the world through many different governments for a long, long time.

    I think it is mistaken to regard terrorism as a problem to be solved by criminalizing the perpetrators and using police measures against them.

    However, if you start out with the premise that a suicide-homicide bomber is a criminal, who has evaded punishment by immolating himself with his victims, then you might want to take action against the people who trained him to take on his murderous role from the time he was a toddler. These suicide bombers were raised from early childhood in the cult of death and murder. So it makes sense, in that sense, to take action against the larger crime family from which the suicide bomber emerged.

    Contemporary Ba'athist regimes like Syria and Saddam's Iraq, and contemporary Islamist regimes like the Taliban and the Iranian Mullahcracy, would react to something like suicide bombing by killing every adult male the perpetrator's home village. By comparison, the Ottoman-Israeli practice of demolishing a house seems gentle and conciliatory.

    By the way, the habit of newscasters to say that a suicide bomber "blew himself up" is another example of the left's disgusting 1984-like corruption of the language. The fact that suicide bombers blow themselves up is not their objective, it's incidental. They are using themselves as guidance systems for incediary bombs that are meant to kill others, not themselves.


  5. Anonymous11:10 AM

    the doctor prescribes a u238 enema every three hours
