Thursday, November 03, 2005


When you're trying to find out "whodunnit" it's often effective to ask: "cui bono?" - which means "WHO BENEFITS?" The recent CIA leaks (the Plame Referral, referred to the DOJ by SOMEONE at the CIA even though there was evidently NO underlying CRIME, and the current BLACK PRISON leak, for example) all hurt Bush and all benefitted the anti-Bushies. Hmmm... And they all HAVE TO emanate from the CIA. Hmmm... Just saying... BTW: so was former #2 at the CIA, Adm. Bobby Inman:
"I was utterly appalled during the 2004 election cycle at the number of clearly politically motivated leaks from intelligence organizations — mostly if not all from CIA — that appeared to me to be the most crass thing I had ever seen to influence the outcome of an election. I never saw it quite as harsh as it was. And clearing books to be published anonymously — there was no precedent for it. I started getting telephone calls from CIA retirees when Bush appointed Negroponte, talking about how vindictive the administration was in trying to punish CIA, and I was again sort of dismayed by the effort to play politics including with information that was classified. What is the impact on younger workers who see the higher-ups engaged in this kind of leaking?
I think that this should be investigated. HEY: Maybe the NYTIMES can assign someone to find out if the CIA is attempting to undermine the president? YEAH, SURE! The NYTIME would only do that if the president was a Leftie! More HERE.

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