Thursday, November 03, 2005


Last week, Powell's former chief of staff, WILKERSON - (an "anti-Bushie" who was VERY VOCALLY OPPOSED TO THE BOLTON NOMINATION) - wrote an OP-ED in the LATIMES in which accused the POPULARLY ELECTED president and vice president of being part of a secret cabal -- as if making policy should not be done by elected POLICY MAKERS, but by UNELECTED CAREER BUREAUCRATS unbeholden to the people.

Now a few brave people are beginning to write about what might be THE REAL CABAL - a real secret attempt to undermine the policies of the ELECTED leaders of our nation by UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS IN THE CIA:

Zell Miller, and Victoria Toensing in the WSJ (subscription only) are sugesting that the CIA's Plame might have orchestrated Wilson's trip (and his subsequent attempts to undermine part of the Bush Administration's case for war) and that this was ACTUALLY the "status quoist" CIA's attempt to undermine the bold policies of the popularly elected leaders of our nation - a sort of coup d'etat. More HERE. And more here, too.


  1. I've been saying for years that Bush has pissed off the CIA--something that usually doesn't end well for American presidents.

  2. dept of state and cia "status quoists" and arabists - and moles - have hurt US presidnets since alger hiss screrwed FDR at yalta; (alger was working for stalin while "advising" FDR).

    like most fairly closed institutions, the CIA and STATE recruit career bureaucrats from an incestuous pool of schools run by fellow travellers.

    like-mided folks hire/promote like-mied folks.

    just like the Journalism schools, and most colleges.

    cia and state have PROVEN themselves UNTRUSTWORTHY over the decades and YOU ARE PROBABLY QUITE RIGHT: this ain;t the first time they've fought back when a pres pisses them off.
