Sunday, November 20, 2005


Here are two items which reveal that things are HEATING UP:

(1) Via ROGER L. SIMON: "The Iranian parliament voted to block United Nations inspectors if their nuclear program is referred to the Security Council." More here.

(2) IRNA: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad discussed mutual and regional developments over phone on Saturday. According to the Press Bureau of the Foreign Ministry, the two presidents referred to the deep-rooted ties between the two nations and expressed satisfaction over expansion of bilateral relations. Exchanging views on mutual cooperation, the two presidents discussed regional developments and underlined the need to maintain regional security and help promote regional developments.

AS I HAVE POSTED SEVERAL TIMES SINCE SEPTEMBER 25: In order to deflect the mounting pressure on them, these two islamofascist nations and their jihadoterrorist stooges (IJ, Hiz b'Allah, Zarqawi, et al) are getting "ready to rumble" - and this includes trying to start an Israeli-Arab war and destabilizing Jordan.

To stop them we need to be militarily PRE-EMPTIVE (by assasinating more and more jihadoterrorists and closing their borders with Iraq), and to increase the domestic pressure on each tyrannical regime - by assisting democracy moevments in each nation. FASTER PLEASE!

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