Sunday, November 20, 2005


Here are two reasons to believe that KYOTO madness is finally coming to an end:

(1) UK GUARDIAN (hat tip Jonah/NRO): "Britain is to open the door for other nations to abandon setting compulsory targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions: the principle at the heart of the Kyoto agreement to tackle climate change. Margaret Beckett, the Environment Secretary, has told The Observer she is prepared to accept voluntary targets - a move hinted at this autumn by Tony Blair."

(2) The Korean Times: "North Korea agreed to the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement aimed at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, last April, a South Korean government official said on Sunday."

Blair is a realist: He knows the KYOTO TREATY is a bad thing - that the targets and costs of meeting the targetys are RIDICULOUS; he is simply trying to save as much of the things he likes about the issue he can.

But if Kim Jong Il is for it, then it MUST be a TERRIBLY bad thing which should be rejected in its entirety!

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