Tuesday, November 22, 2005


A high school guard suffered a heart attack and died Monday while trying to extinguish cars set aflame by vandals in the latest unrest in troubled French suburbs, police said. The guard collapsed southwest of Paris in Trappes, one of about 300 cities and towns that were hit by three weeks of rioting, arson attacks or other violence that shook France earlier this month.
BUT: the French Ambassador to US says violence is over:
The violence that swept predominantly Muslim communities in some 300 cities and towns in France for three weeks has abated and "we are back to normal," French Ambassador Jean-David Levitte said Monday. He said mostly teenagers had acted out of social and economic hardship. "It was not about the role of Islam in France," he said. "We never saw any link, direct or indirect," the French diplomat said. "Religion played no role."

Levitte also suggested "the word 'riot' is a bit too strong" to describe the disturbances and that while thousands of automobiles were destroyed and scores of police officers injured ... He spoke at a forum sponsored by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).
WHY DID FRANCE'S AMBASSADOR TO THE USA CHOOSE TO SPEAK TO CAIR? Could it be that he was opining in front of one of the FEW "FRANCE FRIENDLY" audiences in America, an audience that would EAT UP his lies and disinformation?! Sheesh, how pathetic.

The only thing more pathetic is that many in France think they can buy-off the islamothugs (who Levitte ABSURDLY CLAIMED were rioting because they really REALLY want to be French and are angry because the French people won't let them be French) by promising to spend bazillions of Euros on anti-poverty programs. DOUBLE SHEESH! Don't they know that OUR "War on Poverty" was a total anti-productive WASTE!?

UPDATE: HERE is a snippet of Levitte's INSANITY:
"These teenagers feel alienated and discriminated both socially and economically. They don't want to affirm any difference, but they want to be considered as 100 percent French," he noted. "They are not fighting to be recognized as a minority, either ethnic or religious, but on the contrary, they want to be accepted as full citizens of the French republic. They want to be part of the French dream."
YIPES! This delusional denial - and DHIMMITUDE - can do NOTHING to slow the demise of France as a European nation. Pity. Next stop: Paristan. ONLY HOPE: Sarkozy.

WELCOME MICHELE MALKIN READERS! She has more including 14 trackbacks!


  1. LePen is also another leader, but he seems to be too far right for many people..for the moment.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Daily vandalism and car burning has been going on for years. The only new thing about the recent events was their scale.

    Nothing new or astute in noticing that this is an ongoing problem.

  3. i think this post shows that the french govt is ion deept denia: they say "it's" over when it's ONGOING - as you say...

    and they say it has nothing to do with religion and that the perps MOST want to ASSIMILATE. which is laughable: these islamothugs beat-up their own sisters if they don;t wear the hijab; THAT is not what folksd who want to assimilate do.

    i'd say your comment proves you are in denial too.

    all the best!

  4. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The Bronx also used to have its problems.

    All the French need is to get the moxie to start incarcerating as needed.

    The Socialists had long hoped that the immigrants would be a new constituency; hence the unwillingness to get tough.

    And discrimination is rampant.

  5. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Michael Savage read from this entry on the first hour of his radio show today.

    He was pleased that one blogger was reporting accurately on the French Intifada. Seems he needs to dig deeper into the blogosphere. Congratulations - he has a huge audience.

    Will be repeated later, for example, at http://www2.krla870.com/listen/ 6:00 p.m. Pacific time.

    Great blog! Have bookmarked & will be back.

  6. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I listened to the replay of Savage's show. He quoted from your Nov. 17 post on French Churches Burning not today's post.

  7. thanks bernie! i caught it to. way cool!

  8. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Remember it is all about appeasement. The French dont want to judge another person. It is the way the French treat Foreigners. You are not important because you are not French. Yet they will not admit that there is a problem. Just like US was blind in the 90's on the threat of Terrorists because we too were doing appeasement. It cost a lot of lives. Will the French continue to make the same mistake or will they fold like the Spanish?

  9. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Sylvain Attali has a blog, You can access a video on French TV (Canal +). You can hear the rioters screaming Allahu akbar and threatening jihad. They also accuse Sarkozy of being Jewish. So much for the official version that Islamofascism has nothing to do with the riots.
    Agence France Presse, gets most of its revenus from the "pouvoir publique" literally public power or the government. Le Figaro, one of the major national newspapers, acknowledges that this news wire is under "surveillance étroite". The worde étroite means close. No need for a translation of serveillance.
    French TV stations are owned in part of entirely by the government. Now you know why you cannot trust media coverage in France!! It also explains the attitude of the French public towards Americans.

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