Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Escalations continue - just as I predicted (scroll down for my previous posts):
IDF troops remain on high alert along Israel’s northern border following a night of shelling attacks from southern Lebanon on Monday. A meeting was held at Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's office Sunday evening regarding the escalation of the Hizbullah terror group's activities along Israel's northern border. The meeting was called following intelligence information regarding increased efforts on the part of the terrorists to carry out major attacks on Israeli targets.
Assad and Iran through jihadoterrorists stooges are making and will continue to make further attempts at widening the conflict - if not igniting another fullscale Arab-Israeli war - and diverting our focused attention on each of them. To stop this we need to preemptively attack the jihaodterrorists in Iraq, and Jordan and Israel must do the same in their jurisdiction. Since Jordan and now Israel have been hit hard recently, I expect the next major attempt to occur in Lebanon. STAY TUNED...

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