Wednesday, November 23, 2005


US forces have concluded a major counter-insurgency operation near the Syrian border, the US military said. It said 139 insurgents and 10 US marines had died in the 17-day assault targeting al-Qaeda-linked militants. Operation Steel Curtain marked the first major deployment of the Iraqi army in the restive western province of Anbar, the US military said. ... Some 2,500 US troops reportedly took part in the operation, accompanied by about 1,000 Iraqi soldiers. A permanent Iraqi military presence had been established in the area, the US said.
The operation was a huge success - and intimates our exit strategy: kill the enemy, retake the territory, and have Iraqis hold the territory for the good guys. And as soon as possible, train the Iraqis to be able to do these kinds of operations on their own. Then we can leave.


[ASIDE: BUT HERE IS A DIRE WARNING: We must not let the Dem/Left EVER get control of the Congress. For as soon as they do, they'll do to the Iraqis what they did to the South Vietnamese - who had been holding their own against the Vietcong FOR TWO YEARS when the Congress pulled the plug in 1975 - leading DIRECTLY to the Fall of Saigon, (our most shameful act as a nation). I REMIND YOU: ALL US troops had been withdrawn from Vietnam by March 29, 1973 - A FULL TWO YEARS BEFORE THE FALL OF SAIGON. The ONLY reason the SVG fell was because the McGovernite Left - who ran the Democrat Party and the Congress then, and who run the Democrat Party now - stopped financing them. I believe they will do this to the Iraqis and the Afghanis if they get the chance. I pray we don't give them the chance. THE STAKES ARE THAT HIGH IN 2006.]


  1. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Operation Steel Curtain, a seventeen day offensive along the Euphrates river near the Syrian border, has concluded and it's worth looking at the accomplishments made by U.S. and Iraqi forces during combat operations.

    * 139 terrorists killed
    * 256 terrorists detained
    * A permanent security presence in Husaybah
    * A permanent security presence in Karabilah
    * A permanent security presence in Ubaydi
    * Destroyed Zarqawi's claims to an "Islamic Republic of al Qa'im."
    * Numerous weapons caches uncovered and seized
    * Marked the first large scale Iraqi deployment in West Anbar
    * Marked the emergence of the Desert Protectors
    * Killing of Ayadah Husayn Matar (aka Abu Ahmed), Emir of Sa'dah

    Read more at:

  2. good stuff noble. thanks again!

  3. Anonymous8:51 AM

    hey noble - you forgot this one:

    waved a big stick in Assad's direction...

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Mission Accomplished!!!

    Just like Fallujah! And Baghdad and every other time a massive operation has ended.

    Have y'all noticed the terrorists don't actually seem to be stopped by these maneuvers? That the insurgents just fade away from where they’re attacked to pop up in another city down the road?

  5. Salvage,

    Yeah, it is amazing.

    Defeated on the same day at Gettysburg and Vicksburg, those Confederates just moved on to other cities and other battlefields.

    Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Savannah, Columbia and more -- all were still to come.

    Or as the song about an even earlier struggle might put it, we fired our guns and the enemy kept a comin' but there wasn't quite as many as there was a while befo' . . .

    Do you honestly expect instant and total and irrevocable success as soon as you imagine it?

    Grow up.

    All the best,


  6. good one gandy!

    also, i find it amusing that so-called "progressives"

    (like salvage probably - lottsa lefties prefer that term)

    wouildn't know progress if it bit them on the ass!

    like lying jack murtha: he said OVER and OVER - even on the floor of the Congresss - that our casualty tates are up when the TRUTH IS that they are way down. IOW: we ARE making progress in iraq, but liars and lefties don't see that or accept that.

    or they are limited to reading the nytimes and watching MSM
    and then all they get is LIES.

    and then they think people who read ALL the media that we are less informed! BWAHAHAHA!

    do they think that a jury could make a proper verdict if they only heard ONE SIDE OF THE CASE!?

    then why do theylimit themsleves to CNN and NYTIMES and the like.

    and why do they limit their belief to what dem/left scum like murtha say!?

    i think that many lefties - like salvage - are probably victims of propaganda, and inherited party affiliation.

    it is tough to break free.

    i know: i was raised by commies and AM STILL A REGISTERED DEMOCRAT!

    have been since 1974.

    so my advice to salvage and his ilk: WAKE UP.
