Thursday, November 10, 2005


The post-modern Left is often arguing that there is "no single truth," that culture and personality inexorably effect perception, and that a person's socio-politico-economic status distorts their interpretation of events and influences their narrative of events. This is where their concept of "competing narratives" originates. There is no objective truth, just versions of it, they argue.

Despite this, the Left has no problem arguing that "BUSH LIED!" This is obviously and simply and indisputably PURE HYPOCRISY. Doubly so because Left-leaning politicians who said the same things about Saddam and WMD escape similar condemnation. TRIPLY SO - because some of these very same Lefties who once said EXACTLY what Bush said about Saddam and WMD are making the charges now against Bush.

THE LEFT: they have no shame. Scum.

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