Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Hamas militants have destroyed a section of a concrete barrier erected along the Gaza-Egypt border. Palestinian and Egyptian troops have been trying to shore up the barrier to stop Palestinians crossing into Egypt after the withdrawal of Israeli troops. In chaotic scenes, thousands of Palestinians have streamed over the border in the last few days without undergoing official checks. Despite this, Egypt says that its Gaza border is officially closed. ... The mass crossings have raised questions whether Egypt is be able to honour its deal with Israel and maintain security along the border, correspondents say. ... Israel fears militants will exploit the situation to smuggle weapons into Gaza. Egypt's ambassador to Israel, Mohammed Asim Ibrahim, has vowed to maintain law and order. But the diplomat expressed sympathy for Palestinians from Gaza crossing the border.
This is a MAJOR STRATEGIC incitement by HAMAS against Israel. And a CLEVER one: since it involves Egypt's border with Gaza. Israel must lodge an official protest with Egypt and issue an ultimatum: if Egypt FAILS to live up to its OBLIGATIONS to Israel - to maintain a defensible border with Gaza - then Israel shoulkd UNILATERALLY MAINTAIN THE BORDER WITH MILITARY ATTACKS - STRAFING AND/OR BOMBING THE GAZANS WHO ILLEGALLY ENTER EGYPT. They can do this because Egypt PROMISED to prevent what they are now TURNING A BLIND EYE TO.

It is up to Israel and the IDF to make sure that EGYPT'S ACTIONS AND INACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. If they do not, then I expect ALL HELL TO BREAK LOOSE, AND SOONER RATHER THAN LATER. Stay tuned...

Also: Bush and Rice ought to be getting on Mubarak's case right away!

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