Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Things are devolving RAPIDLY in Gaza:

Palestinians looted dozens of greenhouses on Tuesday, walking off with irrigation hoses, water pumps and plastic sheeting in a blow to fledgling efforts to reconstruct the Gaza Strip. American Jewish donors had bought more than 3,000 greenhouses from Israeli settlers in Gaza for $14 million last month and transferred them to the Palestinian Authority. Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn, who brokered the deal, put up $500,000 of his own cash. Palestinian police stood by helplessly Tuesday as looters carted off materials from greenhouses in several settlements, and commanders complained they did not have enough manpower to protect the prized assets. In some instances, there was no security and in others, police even joined the looters, witnesses said.
One day after the Israelis pulled out, the Gazan border with Egypt appeared to melt away as thousands of Palestinians used their new freedom to come and go as they pleased. What was a trickle on Monday turned into a torrent on Tuesday as Palestinians from all over Gaza headed to Rafah to cross into Egypt. They pried open doors in the massive metal security wall left by Israel and squeezed through. Before Israel withdrew, Egypt agreed to post 750 security officers on the border to prevent militants from smuggling advanced weapons into Gaza for use against the Jewish state. They Egyptian border guards are not all in place. ... Zalman Shoval, an adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, said Israel might eventually seek international monitors for the border. "The great danger is that both people and arms could be smuggled under the unwatchful eyes of the Egyptians."
Well, well, well: what did you expect?! The Gazans are reverting to form. And acting out this way means it should be obvious to ALL that they have about as much chance as establishing a democracy and the rule of law as do a pack of rabid hyenas. Meanwhile, Egypt renegs on their deal with Israel. And the world says nary a word. Pitiful.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Yeah - and I have read that the pali's have torched about 20 synagogues...

    So I guess that means its ok with them when islamic religious sites are destroyed.´
