Sunday, September 25, 2005

HOORAY FOR POLAND! Commie doves defeated by pro-American, freemarket, hawks

Another BIG defeat for the Left! And this came in despite of the fact that the Left was anti-Iraq War. I guess the Poles - like the Aussies and the Brits and the Germans and the Japanese - aren't as anti-American and anti-Iraq War or as pro-Big Giovernment as the Leftists who dominate the worldwide MSM would like the public to believe. BTW: of the major allies of Bush, ONLY Spain elected a socialist against the Iraq War and that ONLY came after the Spaniards cowered in fear and caved into al Qaeda as a direct result of the Atocha boimbings. As the poet once said: "The SHAME in Spain falls mostly on the INSANE" - (the Loony Left that is!). (More HERE.)


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    "The polls are Poland's first since joining the European Union in May 2004."

    Newsflash to the BBC(pi): There have been Poles living in the region known as Poland long before Poland joined the EU. In fact, the country is named after the Slavic tribe Polanie, which inhabited the region over a 1000 years ago and which.....what?.....polls?......oh, polls!.......nevermind.

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