Sunday, September 25, 2005


A prominent Lebanese journalist was seriously injured last night after a bomb exploded in her car in the latest attack apparently targeting critics of Syria. May Chidiac, an anchorwoman with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation, suffered serious wounds to her arms and legs and is likely to have at least one of her limbs amputated. Last night the television station said she was in a critical condition. Footage showed her lying on a trolley as she was rushed through a hospital with dozens of doctors around her. The attack on Ms Chidiac, a Christian, is the latest in a series of explosions in recent months that have targeted politicians and journalists who have spoken of their criticisms of the Syrian regime, which has long dominated Lebanon and treated it as a client state. In June a similar car bomb killed Samir Kassir, a respected journalist who wrote a column in the An Nahar newspaper. In the days before he was killed he had written an article critical of the Syrian regime. Other bombs have killed or injured politicians but there have been no arrests. Syria denies any involvement.
If things go according to plan, the murderous baathist and genocidal terrorist abettor Bashar Assad will be overthrown in November, and he will end up like Mussolini and Ceausescu: on the end of a rope - after having been shot. He won't be alone, either! GOOD RIDDANCE! (More HERE.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I'm betting Hezbollah is behind all the killing.
