Wednesday, August 10, 2005


IF we (led by the IAEA and the EU#) give-in to Iran on their nuclear enrichment program, (and don't ensure - even if it takes pre-emptive military action - that they NEVER get nukes until PERHAPS AFTER they've become a secular democracy), then we're guaranteeing that the Glo-WORM (or WW4) won't end until there's a nuclear EXCHANGE.
That would be the price for appeasing nuclear-armed jihadoterrorists.

IOW: any deal short of a totally transparent cessation of all uranium enrichment by Iran will NOT make the world safer; it will ONLY guarantee that the inevitable conflict that the jihadists seek will be even more horrifyingly deadly, because Iran's AIMS (jihadist hegemony) ARE transparent: (like OBL) they have said EXACTLY what they intend to do, and with nukes they will TRY to do it.

El Baradei and the IAEA and the EU3 have up until now been wimps on Iran - allowing delays and deception time after time after time.

We must give Iran an ultimatum and we must back it up with a credible military threat. Before it's too late.


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    If the stinking jews can have nucular bombs why cant the arab? Let them all kil each other.

  2. Reliapundit,
    They've been even more explicit than that. From CUANAS:

    Meet Hassan Abbasi, a well-known Iranian political scientist, longtime top official of the Revolutionary Guards, and currently "theoretician" in the office of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (how does one get a job description like that, I wonder) and the head of the National Security and Strategic Research Center. Abbasi holds special responsibility for North American affairs.

    "The infidels — Western countries and America — are the sworn enemies of God and Muslems and any action taken to terrorize them or frighten them is considered holy and a source of pride." Abbasi went on, "Lebanese Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas have all been trained by these hands," that is, Iranian hands.

    "We have identified some 29 weak points for attacks in the U.S. and in the West, we intend to explode some 6,000 American atomic warheads, we have shared our intelligence with other guerilla groups and we shall utilize them as well. We have set up a department to cover England and we have had discussions regarding them[;] we have contacted the Mexicans and the Argentineans and will work with anyone who has an axe to grind with America."

  3. to anonymous:

    no where in this post - or anyhwere else on my blog - do i say that arabs or muslims mustn't ever be allowed to have nukes.

    pakistan has nukes. i have never advocated that they be forced to give them up.

    but if and when FANATICAL JIHADISTS GET NUKES - whether they are arabs or non-arabs (and MOST mulsims are non-arab) - WE MUST ALL BE VERY VERY VERY WORRIED.

    why!? because of what the jihadoterrorists say they want to do, and because they are sucidal maniacs they cannot be deterred by M.A.D.

    i am NOT a racist.

    i do not believe that arabs or muslims are genetically inferior or incapable. the president of india is a muslim. he's a good man.

    i do believe that people who have been brain-washed into jihadoterrorist ideologies are dangerous.

    these kind of people cannot be trusted with household chemicals so why should anyone trust them with NUKES!?!?!!

    a nuke - like any tool or weapon - is NOT intrinsically good or bad; it's the uses the user applies them to that determines that.

    hence israel may be trusted with the bomb. but iran - under the mullahs - cannot be.

    pakistan - under musharraf - can be trusted with the bomb. but if pakistan were to be taken over by jihadoterrorists, then ALL BETS WOULD BE OFF, and we would probably have to take pre-emptive action to neutralize their nukes.

    PASTORIUS: thanks for the info: good stuff as always!
