Wednesday, August 10, 2005


LIFELIKE PUNDITS has excerpted and linked to an astounding list of ANTI-AMERICAN movies green-lighted by the Hollywood studios for big production bucks and big marketing budgets and big WORLDWIDE rollouts - which was over at TOWNHALL in a column by JASON APUZZO (of LIBERTAS) .Read the whole list and each movie's plot-line; they will astound you with their blatant anti-Americanism and knee-jerk/tin-foil hat Leftism.

These TEN movies do several things contemporary Hollywood loves to do: pander to the Leftists who feel that America and America's corporations are the chief instigators of evil in the world; pander to export markets in countries that feel the same way about America; and pander to low-brow conspiracy theory-buffs who feel the same way, too.

These kind of movies were ALMOST NEVER made when Hollywood was run by FIRST GENERATION IMMIGRANTS WHO LOVED AMERICA AND BELIEVED IN THE AMERICAN DREAM. The only anti-American movies made during the HEYDAY of Hollywood were made by card-carrying/cell-attending Communists who were DELIBERATELY writing and starring in and producing anti-capitalist and pro-USSR movies in order to fertilize America for communism. And I use the word FERTILIZE advisedly!

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