Friday, July 08, 2005



According to the Commission on Terrorist Attacks, as many as 20,000 individuals trained at Bin-Ladin supported camps throughout Afghanistan from May 1996 to September 11, 2001.
These 20,000 Islamic "CAMPERS" were NOT studying calculus or cooking or singing kumbaya while roasting marshmallows around campfires.

They were training to become jihadist TERRORISTS. They were NOT training in reaction to President Bush or Halliburton or the liberation of Iraq. They came from all over the world, and went back - ALL OVER THE WORLD, to lay in wait as sleeper cells which could follow orders or act on their own. That's why we attacked the Taliban and liberated Afghanistan, destroying the camps and toppling the Taliban.

That's why when the "anti-war" Left blames the liberation of Iraq for the 7/7 attack they prove themselves INSANE. This attack is what they trained to do. In places like Afghanistan. Since 1996. When Clinton was president and the OSLO PEACE PROCESS was on track!

And there are THOUSANDS more of these jihadoterrorists - ALL OVER THE WORLD - and they are trained to do the same thing as happened in London AS SOON AS THEY GET THE CHANCE.

We do not minimize or diminish in the slightest the chances of another attack ANYWHERE by appeasing the enemy or giving into their demands. Appeasing and/or surrendering to terrorism is not the answer. It ONLY encourages them. And - as Hitchens has so simply and brilliantly said: "Resisting terrorism CANNOT be the cause of terrorism."

AS I SAID: Those camps in Afghanistan were going FULL TILT LONG BEFORE we started resisting.

Counter-attacking the enemy and KILLING them until they see the futlility of their efforts and give up (WHICH WILL TAKE DECADES) is the only reasonable path.

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