Friday, July 08, 2005


Friedman wrote another fairly mediocre piece in the NYTIMES ;(it's his specialty). (Hat-tip Glenn.) Here's how he concludes it:
The double-decker buses of London and the subways of Paris, as well as the covered markets of Riyadh, Bali and Cairo, will never be secure as long as the Muslim village and elders do not take on, delegitimize, condemn and isolate the extremists in their midst.
Tom left out jail, interrogate, and KILL. And THAT'S what it'll take - on the part of Islamic nations. So far, very few Islamic states are FIGHTING them: Afghanistan and Iraq are doing their utmost; the Gulf States are doing a fair job; Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are schizo; Egypt cowardly and Jordan PHONY.

Until Islamic states FIGHT, KILL AND DEFEAT THE JIHADOTERRORISTS, there will be no peace. We can pressure them into doing this: by threatening them (with some of the measures Friedman outlines in his column). As Bush correctly stated in 2001: either your with us, or against us. The choice is theirs.

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