Friday, June 10, 2005


One of the forces driving Bolivia to oust their president and nearly bring on civil war is NATIONALIZATION. It's one of the most important issues according to CNN: "Nationalization of Bolivia's oil industry, which protesters believe would better distribute wealth. Privatization and plans to export gas have sparked fears that only wealthy Bolivians and corporations would benefit." YUP: the Bolivian left wants to nationalize their mining industry. And REDISTRIBUTE WEALTH.

Contrary to what Left-wing ideologues & demogogues will tell you, nationalization and redistribution have ALWAYS failed to increase abundance, and have NEVER FAILED TO INCREASE POVERTY. NEED PROOF? Just look at South Korea (versus North Korea), India (post-Rao) China (post-Deng Xiao Ping) Poland & the Czech Republic and the rest of Eastern Europe (post-USSR) and even the post-Thatcher UK; they ALL PROVE that nationalization sucks and private enterprise WORKS. Or look at it in reverse: Mugabe and Chavez are RUINING their nation's economies (by instituting socialism) - as Castro ruined his.

Left-wing politicians get away with their demogoguery only because the Left-wing dominated media and schools have brainwashed enough of the public. The internet can change that: by exposing the media and the academy - and the Leftist garbage they regurgitate - to proper scrutiny.

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