Friday, June 10, 2005


Since the Iraqis have gained their freedom & democracy the Left decries their bad infrastructure and the lack of schools and troubled healthcare system & exploding oil-pipelines - AS IF MATERIAL SECURITY WAS EVERYTHING.

When enemy-combatant/neojihadis are imprisoned in Gitmo - and get 3 square meals and clean beds and clean clothes and healthcare and dental-care, the Left decries their lack of legal representation & due process - AS IF LIBERTY & HUMAN RIGHTS WAS EVERYTHING.

No matter what W does (liberates 50 million people from totalitarian tyranny), or why (9/11), the Left complains. That the complaints are inconsistent matters not to the Left. The Left isn't bothered by REALITY; when reality interferes with their ideology, they just move the goal posts! Goal-post moving exposes their true motives (BDS), and the utter emptiness of their ideology. The fact is: Leftism has nothing else to offer anymore.

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