Monday, June 13, 2005


I'm glad that Saddam is NOT going to be tried in California.

UPDATE: It's a good thing Charles Manson went on trial decades ago - way BEFORE California went COMPLETELY nuts. NEED MORE PROOF CALIFORNIANS ARE NUTS? Senator Barbara Boxer.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The MSM keeps shouting that the Jury didn't like the Mother of the Victim making it sound like thats why Jackson was acquitted.
    The interviews I saw with the Jurers indicated it was the fault of the prosecution, there just wasn't enough evidence with reliable witnesses to get a conviction. I believe them not the headlines. Lets face it whats one more pedophile let loose. Its happening every day, the ones who were convicted and sentenced are released after their term, they certainly aren't rehabilitated but are still let loose on society, then we wonder why children are being molested, ruined and even murdered. I say lock them away for life on an Island where the only people they can molest are each other.
