Tuesday, June 14, 2005



In Baghdad, business is booming for the wedding DJ. Overwhelmed by the demand for marriage contracts, two judges in Basra are turning away would-be brides and grooms. ... Since Saddam Hussein was ousted two years ago, the number of nuptials in Iraq has soared, say party planners, judges and clergy members. Although there are no reliable countrywide statistics, those in the business estimate that "I do's"have doubled since the uneasy months before and after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. Some say a better living standard is driving Iraqis to the altar. ... Staff shortages also afflict the courthouse in Basra, in the country's Shiite south. "We are only two judges here, and sometimes we cannot finalize all the contracts within the limited work hours," said Ahmad Shaheeb Ahmad, a judge. Sometimes, "we tell the marrying couple to come in another day." The chief clerk, Mohammed Jasim Mohammed, said the number of contracts had increased fourfold, from 6,015 in 2002 to about 24,000 in 2004.
Maybe this trend ISN'T good news: maybe Iraqi men are getting married because they miss being tyrannized. HEH.


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