Thursday, June 23, 2005


I just watched today's Senate Armed Services Committee hearing - the one in which Teddy Jo Kennedy - the Senator from Chappaquidick - TOLD the generals that Iraq was a quagmire and asked Rumsfeld to RESIGN. The generals all said Kennedy was flat out WRONG about Iraq, and Abizaid made a special point of saying that Rumsfeld was a GREAT Secretary of Defense.

But the highlight for me came after Kennedy shut his whiskey-stained mouth and Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) - a patriot - had his turn; here's what he said right off the bat:

"I think we all know that the cut-and-run caucus is always alive and well," Inhofe said. "It doesn't matter what war it is, what conflict it is, and it certainly is today."

I think we all know who the cut and run caucus is: the Left, and they're led by Kennedy and Durbin and Reid and Pelosi. SHame on them; they're aiding and abetting the enemy.

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