Friday, April 15, 2005


Cuba has said it will not co-operate in any form with a resolution passed against it by the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva. Moments after the vote was passed, Cuba's foreign minister described it as completely illegitimate. The resolution, brought by the US, calls for the renewal of the mandate of a UN envoy to investigate alleged human rights abuses on the communist island. The envoy was appointed in 2003, but Cuba has never allowed her to visit. Christine Chanet recently urged Cuba to release imprisoned dissidents and allow its people freedom of expression and freedom of travel.
What's Fidel hiding? Could it be FASCISM/COMMUNISM/TYRANNY. (They're all the same leftist anti-libertarian crap). One of the sad failuires of JFK was pulling the plug on the oft maligned Bay of Pigs Invasion. Had we succeeded, Cubans would be living as well and as freely as Puerto Ricans, instead of living in the poorest and least free nation in the Carribean - with ABSOLUTELY NO HUMAN RIGHTS: not of speech or religion or to petition the government. By pulling the plug on the invasion, JFK condemned Cubans to 50 years of tyranny and poverty. OH WELL: Fidel will soon die, and the Cubans will soon be FREE! CUBA LIBRE!

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