Friday, April 15, 2005


The US and Britain have rejected allegations by UN chief Kofi Annan that they turned a blind eye to oil smuggling by Saddam Hussein's regime. Mr Annan had suggested the two had inadequately policed UN sanctions against Iraq, enabling the regime to earn huge amounts in illegal deals. ... The UN has itself been under fire over the so-called oil-for-food programme.
The bulk of the stealing by bribed UN bureaucrats - including Kojo - and by Saddam occurred between 1992 and 2001. WHO WAS PRESIDENT THEN!?!?!? Clinton.

The stealing occurred on Clinton's watch.

Just like ALL the corporate stealing: Enron, the accounting scandals; Worldcom; Adelphia; Xerox; Global Crossing; Tyco; the California energy rip-off, and the IPO scandals by Wall Street firms Merrill Lynch and Citibank; et al, etc. etc. etc.

As "Rome burned" Clinton did nothing besides getting "Lewinskied" in the oval office. And the perps were ALL caught and punished by the so-called "neocon pro-corporate" Bush Administration. Which then set about to change the rules so the stealing would end.

Clinton was scum. Bush RULES!

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