Thursday, January 13, 2005


According to UPI/Global Policy Forum, the Bush Adminstration is moving toward retaliating against the "insurgents" inside of Syria by attacking their bases, training centers and camps:

"An administration official said Syria has "camps in which Syrians are training Iraqis for the insurgency and others where Iraqis are training Syrians for the same purpose" which could be hit by U.S. air strikes." [...] One former senior CIA official, usually an administration critic, said, "We should send a cruise missile into south-side Damascus and blow the Mukharbarat headquarters off the map. We should first make clear to them that they are the target."



  1. Anonymous6:49 PM

    With the recent spate* of anti-Bush ex-CIA execs doing their utmost to undermine the Administration, one must wonder if this article is another example. Or if it's an unofficial threat to put Damascus on notice. Time will tell.

    Since the linked article's URL at has the word "empire/intervention" in its net address, my bet is on the first scenario. It also seems to be carefully written to imply it's the Bush Administration's plan, when in fact every such reference is from the article's author, Richard Sale, and former CIA employees.

    Example of misleading sentence: An administration official said Syria has "camps in which Syrians are training Iraqis for the insurgency and others where Iraqis are training Syrians for the same purpose" which could be hit by U.S. air strikes.

    The last 8 words are not part of the quote. It's like "two plus two is four [fact]" which could become a lethal 2by4 weapon [author's speculation].


  2. Anonymous7:57 PM

    *Examples of attacks on the Bush Administration by current and former CIA malcontents whose specific jobs were to protect the country from terrorist attacks:

    Let Bin Laden Stay Free, Says C.I.A. Man CIA/Al Qaqaa Setup (Original source: Dr. Jack Wheeler,

    CIA/Aborted October Surprise: Porter at the Pass, see last 12 paragraphs.

    CIA's doom-and-gloom National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) leak CIA/Pillar Responsibility prior to 9/11, etc. entitled "From Pillar to Post, dated 11/23/01.

    (I list this one last, because it's a nice one to print out from the pdf and read over coffee and cigarettes :))

    And I haven't even begun to link on the smelly CIA/Plame/Wilson setup!

    BR - visitor from Wizbang

  3. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Another excerpt from the UPI/Global Policy Forum's article:

    "There are all sorts of discussions going on, the White House, the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs," said former CIA counterterrorism chief, Vince Cannistraro. He felt the talk of strikes "is part of a general plan of intimidation." The White House did not return phone calls.


    It's interesting that here we have yet another source for this article who was previously personally responsible for our security: "a former CIA counterterrorism chief" - or should one say, former "failed" counterterrorism chief?

    Has he now bugged the White House? How does he know? I get very suspicious of such generalities, especially with "empire/intervention" in the URL.


  4. thanks BR - good points!

  5. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I noticed the link no longer works ( But the UPI article also appears at

  6. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Hi there! I just found this great article by Clarice Feldman: here, entitled "The CIA's War on Bush."

    By the way, I've linked to your Syria thread in my comments at wizbang this morning, 1/18/05.

