Thursday, January 13, 2005


ARMED men robbed an Iraqi bank in Ramadi, the troubled capital of western al-Anbar province, stealing about $US13.5 million ($17.6 million) worth of Iraqi dinars."At 11am (7pm AEDT), a group broke into the Rashid bank and locked all the employees in a room and took all the money from the bank before escaping," a police captain said.

AS BACKCOUNTRY CONSEVRATIVE ASKED: "Could there be a problem with their usual funding avenues?"

I think this action, and the fact that the counter-revolutionaries are using bigger bombs indicates that they are getting more desperate. And, that we are winning. And that the enemy knows they must do everything between NOW and January 29 to prevent the election. TOM FRIEDMAN knows why we must NOT ALLOW THEM TO DO THIS.

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