Thursday, January 13, 2005


(AFP) PESHAWAR, Pakistan - "Pakistan is to free up to 25 suspected Al Qaeda-linked militants seized in a volatile region bordering Afghanistan before a Muslim festival next week, the military said Wednesday. All the suspects were arrested or surrendered during two big military operations in March and June last year in the South Waziristan’s Shakai valley, considered a militant stronghold, a military statement said. 'The military authorities in recognition of unprecedented support and cooperation of the tribesmen have decided to release apprehended men of Shakai Valley before Eid al Azha (January 21),' the statement said."

I hope they've implanted chips in these suspects, that they track them and that they're led to Bin Laden's lair. Otherwise, it seems like another step BACK! And on the heels of the escape of a Musharraf assasination suspect, well: it seems to me that Pakistan is rapidly becoming a problem again - at best unreliable; at worst... a foe. STAY TUNED.

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