Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Hat-tip to the inimitable MARK LEVIN:

The UN is setting up a bureaucracy to assist Arabs in the occupied territories of Israel to make claims against the Government of Israel for losses they assert were caused by the anti-terror security fence . (See other news stories HERE and HERE.)

Levin - tonight, on his syndicated radioshow - made the point that there are DOZENS of other security fences on disputed territories which have NEVER EVER been the subject of ANY UN attack. To prove his case, Levin used information from a posting at the
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, HERE and HERE.

This new anti-Israel action by Kofi Annan, and the anti-Semites of the UN, comes on the heels many others - including the recent spurious ICJ case against the fence.
It's more proof that the UN has a net negative effect on world affairs. UN peace-keeping offices are often overrun with sexual predators; they pilfered the Oil for Food program; they've already mismanaged the tsunami relief effort.

As Levin suggested, it's time to kick the UN out of the US and turn the building into a condo --- a TRUMP CONDO! "PAGING THE DONALD!"

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