Friday, January 07, 2005


Two news items on abortion policy in China.

First, this story - (HAT TIP K-Lo of THE CORNER) - China intends to outlaw selective gender abortions. These are prevalent in China; there are now 40 million more men than women in China, and the government wants to halt this imbalance.

The imbalance is primarily due to ANOTHER Chinese government policy: family planning limits parents to one child per household. In fact, China uses COERCIVE practices to force parents to limit themselves to one child (Links to an article from AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL.) ! (More HERE and HERE.)

So... many parents decide that if they can only have one child, they want a boy - and so they have sonograms to determine the gender of the baby, AND ABORT THE BABY IF IT'S A GIRL!

Bottom-line: the Chinese government wants parents to accept the gender of their first born, and then abort ALL subsequent pregnancies regardless of the baby's gender - a politically correct solution which of course is nothing more than genocide.

YEAH: GENOCIDE. The tyrannical government of China coerces parents to abort. Because ALL Chinese are coerced to abort this may seem to some people to be fair; the Chinese government is merely trying to control population, and since the Chinese government has SO MANY RESPONSIBILITIES over that population (because it is still a socialist state) this control seems within their rights.

Naturally, no government anywhere should have that much control over anybody. People should be able to have as many kids as they choose - and as long as they take care of the kids, they can keep them, and keep having them. It's their business, not mine, not yours, not the state's.

What gets me is this: IMO, the pro-abortion lobby in the USA makes their most powerful case FOR abortion rights when they argue that the STATE should not have control over a woman's body. Well, that libertarian argument certainly runs counter to the situation in China where the state COERCES women to have abortions - which is, after all, ANOTHER way that the state takes control over a woman's body. SO it seems to me that the pro-abortion folks here ought to be making a HUGE stink about China's fascist family-planning policy. But they aren't.

BOTTOM-LINE: If one favors abortion rights on the basis of personal liberty then one should oppose China's policy. If one is anti-abortion on the grounds that one believes that life begins at conception (and all life should be honored and protected), then one must oppose China's policy.

Therefore, there is no moral basis for supporting China's policy.

The only basis is non-interventionist isolationism and moral/cultural relativism. But based on these creeds, there is no basis for intervening anywhere to stop "internal" genocide or slavery.

Which is what is happening in China: parents are virtual slaves of the state because they are coerced by the state into aborting their own babies - which is genocide.

When will the world cry out to make China stop their inhumane policies which amount to nothing more than slavery and genocide!? How many millions must die!?

PERSPECTIVE: 200 times more babies have been aborted in China because of this policy than people died in the tsunami. Think about it. Then think about this: since Roe v Wade, 200 times more pregnancies were aborted in the USA than people died in the tsunami.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Hey I'm studying an undergraduate women's studies course and I stumbled across your blog on this. Thanks for the links to all those articles I really need the research on Chinese abortion policy. =D
    Keep up the good work.
    oh, this was like, seven months ago.
