Wednesday, December 01, 2004


UPDATED: THERE'S A LOT OF SPECULATION ABOUT WHO CBS WILL PICK TO REPLACE RATHER. (H/T Drudge.) I think my nominee could help CBS in the ratings and cure the Old Media of their allergy to bloggers, 'cause my nominee is GLENN HARLAN REYNOLDS! The Professor is already sort of an anchorman to the blogosohere, isn't he? The Instapundit introduces his huge audience to posts from far-flung pajamioed bloggers from all over the blogosphere with pithy, erudite and funny repartee - much like a suave anchorman introducing a report from a correspondent in a suit. Instead of "AND THAT'S THE WAY IT IS..." or "Courage" (whatever the heck did THAT mean anyhow?!?) the Professor could sign off each night with "HEH" or "INDEED!" Heh...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Rudi Bakhtiar has been looking. Fox may be her next home. But CBS should make her a better offer and team her up with a leading man. . .
