Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Hamas is nothing more than a Jihadoterrorist organization that wants to eradicate Israel - so this news is NOT surprising. But until they - and their genocidal cohorts and colleagues in all the other Jihadoterrorist organizations are destroyed there can be no state of Palestine and no peace.

UPDATE/BREAKING NEWS (h/t Guardian): Barghouti to enter race, after all! (AP):
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) - Associates of Marwan Barghouti said Wednesday the jailed Palestinian uprising leader has decided to run for president, reversing an earlier decision and throwing Palestinian politics into disarray. Barghouti's candidacy would undermine the prospects of interim Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, the presidential candidate of the ruling Fatah movement. Fatah officials have warned that a bid by Barghouti, who is a leading Fatah member and more popular than the staid Abbas, could split the movement.

This does not bode well for the Palestinians...

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