Wednesday, December 15, 2004

MUSAB AL ZARQAWI: master of disguise?

From Brunei On Line:

"Make-up may be Zarqawi's secret of eluding capture: Intelligence services

BERLIN (dpa) - Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi and his terrorists in Iraq may be moving around Iraq with impunity because they spend hours in front of the mirror making up their faces, according to intelligence services quoted by the Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel. In a story released before publication Tuesday, it said the services claimed the Jordanian Islamist's group were major buyers of rich theatrical make-up, and used the cosmetics to drastically change their appearance."

This news item gives those terrifying videotapes of Zarqawi's brutal beheadings a whole new layer of meaning and context: it's a macabre reality show in which he is the star. To read a fascinating column about this by Jason Burke - (about Zarqawi's "Theater of Terror") - just click HERE.

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