Wednesday, December 15, 2004

AL QAIDA'S GLOBAL HQ FOUND: it's in "Hubrisistan"

WW4 began in earnest 1979 - when the USA stood and watched as the Shah was overthrown by the Ayatollah Khomeini (and stood by and watched as Saddam took power in Iraq, and stood and watched as the USSR invaded Afghanistan, too!).

America continued to stand by and watch as Jihadoterror spread around the world (in Beirut in 1982, and everywhere elsewhere since: the Philipines; Indonesia; North, East and West Africa; Kashmir; Pakistan; Thailand - to name a few).

The USA even aided Jihadism a little when it used the Mujahadeen (precursors of the Taliban) to oust the USSR from Afghanistan.

This event in particular gave the Jihadists a false-feeling - the feeling that they could defeat anyone and everyone who got in their way. This is their HUBRIS. To this day, they believe that THEY defeated the USSR, and that they can also defeat the West (by defeating the USA); thereby, the Jihadists believe they can achieve their ultimate goal: re-establish the tyrannical Caliphate under Salafist sharia.

The Jihadoterrorists saw America as morally weak and timid - too cowardly to fight the USSR themselves.

Somalia, the USS Cole, and the African Embassy bombings all added to this perception.

They see the USA victory in Afghanistan as a temporary setback; ditto Iraq. They believe that over the long haul the USA and the West will tire and surrender in Afghanistan and Iraq - and everywhere else. After all, it took Vietnam a decade of guerilla war to oust the USA; it might take just as long to oust the USA from Afghanistan and Iraq - and "Palestine" and Spain and Kashmir, and so on...

But this is a false reading of history - one based on HUBRIS, as I said...

The key reason it is pure unadulterated hubris is this: The Mujahdeen could not have defeated the USSR if the USA had not been training, supplying and re-supplying them. Guerilla forces need to be re-supplied in a long guerilla war. The Vietcong had the USSR. Neither the Vietcong or the Mujahadeen side could've won without a huge state willing AND ABLE to resupply a guerilla force for years and years and years.

Absent that support, the Vietcong and the Mujahadeen didn't stand a chance.

For the Jihadoterrorists to believe that they can do it WITHOUT the support of a major nation state is nothing more than extreme HUBRIS. Fanatical hubris.

Which brings us to Afghanistan and Iraq - and Syria and Iran and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

The current counter-revolution being waged by the Jihadoterrorists in Iraq will fail if they are not resupplied.

Which means IF the new government of Iraq, and the USA, and the "Coalition of the Willing" can stop Iran and Syria from aiding the Jihadoterrorists within Iraq - (and also stop the monetary and intel' support that Jihadoterrorists worldwide get from reactionary elements within the Pakistan's ISI and the House of Saud) - THEN victory by Iraq and the USA is GUARANTEED.

The converse is also true: if the USA and its allies fail to stop the influx of aid from Syria and Iran into Iraq - then failure is guaranteed.

Bush spoke softly - but I pray he spoke loud enough so that his words were heard all the way in "Hubrisistan." If not: then I pray Bush uses the big stick - and not too late, either.

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