Sunday, October 17, 2004


The Left-wing of the Democrat Party - led by long-time Lefty John Forbes Kerry - claim that poverty is GROWING in America, and that Bush is to blame.

It just AIN'T TRUE. Here's the truth, from "What is the nature of American poverty?" - by Tyler Cowen (at Marginal Revolution)- excerpts:
(1) "In 2003, 44 percent of U.S. households had before-tax incomes exceeding $50,000; about 15 percent had incomes of more than $100,000 (they're included in the 44 percent).

In 1990, the comparable figures were 40 percent and 10 percent.

In 1980, they were 35 percent and 6 percent. All comparisons are adjusted for inflation."

(2) "Hispanics account for most of the increase in poverty. Compared with 1990, there were actually 700,000 fewer non-Hispanic whites in poverty last year. Among blacks, the drop since 1990 is between 700,000 and 1 million, and the poverty rate -- though still appallingly high -- has declined from 32 percent to 24 percent.

Without Hispanic IMMIGRATION (mostly unskilled/uneducated but hardworking laborers) there is a STEADY DECLINE of poverty in the USA since 1990, and a STEADY INCREASE IN WEALTH.

That's just the facts though; Left-wing fantasies may differ...

1 comment:

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