Sunday, October 17, 2004


From an article at

"... subsidies on offer in the late 70s and early 80s were providing some New Zealand farmers with up to 40% of their income.

Today government financial support for farmers amounts to less than 1% of average farm income across New Zealand. And most farmers are thriving without the subsidies. Their removal, far from destroying New Zealand agriculture, appears to have re-energised it. Agriculture contributes slightly more now to the total economy than it did in the era of subsidies and there is plenty of evidence the land is being farmed more creatively.

Twenty years ago the wine industry was too small to be measurable. Today in some areas grapes have replaced sheep as the main source of revenue. Dairying is now a bigger foreign exchange earner than sheep for New Zealand and there are more than two million farmed deer across the country. And the farmers themselves? Well I did not meet a single one who wanted to go back to subsidies. But I met several younger farmers ... who could barely get their heads round what subsidies were! "

This kind of news has been the norm for the last 30 years - ever since Deng Xiao Peng introduced market reforms to China and transformed China from an impoverished Marxist basketcase into a thriving economy. Thatcher & Reagan revitialized the Free World by shrinking the size of the State and reducing the role of the government because they knew that free markets create wealth, whereas Big Government & socialism are the "roads to serfdom."

Even Blair - gets this.

Which is why I find it so hard to fathom why there're still ANY Lefties left at all... ANYWHERE; Left-wing policies simply do not work; they fail to accomplish what they set out to. Always have; always will.

SO... how can anybody anywere still advocate left-wing policies? People like Kerry.


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