Sunday, October 17, 2021

Biden and Blinken acting out of spite against Israel

Ariel Kahana looks at the sad issue of the Democrats continuing to do everything they can to divide Jerusalem for the PLO's sake:
Washington's plans to forcibly open a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem are set to be the greatest humiliation Israel has ever experienced.

The Americans are well aware of Israel's opposition to the move. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made that much clear in a meeting with US President Joe Biden at the White House.

Speaking at a conference hosted by The Jerusalem Post last week, Justice Minister Gideon Sa'ar said: "I want to be perfectly clear: We oppose it. I heard that for the president, it's a campaign promise. For us, it's the promise of generations."

According to international law, the opening of a diplomatic mission or the altering of its status requires the written signature of the host country's foreign minister – who in this case is Yesh Atid party head Yair Lapid. Even if Lapid, who has sworn his allegiance to a unified Jerusalem countless times, was willing to align himself with the administration's stance, he knows his authorization of the move would lead to the government's collapse. That is why he has shifted to an opposing stance.

Nevertheless, with Lapid by his side, the US secretary of state announced in Washington: "We'll be moving forward with the process of opening a consulate as part of deepening of those ties with the Palestinians." Or in other words, we have decided to show contempt for Israel's position.
Tragically, that's exactly what they had in mind all along. And Lapid cannot be trusted on this either. This is one of the worst things about this lefitst hijacking of leadership in the USA.

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