Tuesday, September 14, 2021

What comics creators addressed 9-11 this week?

I've looked around to see if any artists and writers have written posts for the 20th September 11 Memorial. It wasn't easy, but here, for starters, is surely the most positive example I could find, from Billy Tucci: There's also an illustrator named Dean Haspiel: There's also Scott Snyder: Maybe most surprising was AWA studios' account: And, there's Mike Deodato: I think Tucci's contribution is by far the best, but that aside, if there's something disappointing about the rest, it's that none of them take a meat-and-potatoes stance, condemning al Qaeda for the tragedy and mass murder they caused, not to mention the aid the jihadists had in Saudi Arabia at the time, and don't even acknowledge the disaster Joe Biden and company caused via their withdrawal from Afghanistan, which was a shocking example of caving to the same horrors, and destroyed hard work built up 2 decades ago. How can you send a message if you don't come up with some kind of a statement or illustration that's damning to the monsters who committed the heinous crime that took place on September 11, 2001? (Also, notice how AWA's main Twitter page says "all the comics fit to print"? That sounds an awful lot like the terrible NY Times.)

In addition to that, the mainstream comics industry itself almost entirely forbids any criticism of Islam, and practically excuses it, nor do they pay any tribute to movements like 9-11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, and the French victims of the jihadists who murdered staff members at Charlie Hebdo. If they're not willing to deal with specific issues like these, is it any wonder justice will never truly be served? For now, I'd say Captain America is one of the biggest victims of this PC mentality, and has been for nearly 2 decades already, seeing how Marvel would rather publish stories depicting average Americans as white supremacists. This is the sad state we've reached over the years, due to a lot of terrible communist-style indoctrination that's going on in many liberal establishments everywhere.

And lest I forget, there were quite a few artists and writers who didn't address the subject at all. That too says quite a bit how far we've fallen.

Update: I've found one more artist who's addressed 9-11: Steve Rude: And I gotta say, the image of Superman waving a USA flag is certainly impressive, making this one of the best contributions that could be made for the 9-11 Memorial day.

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