Monday, July 19, 2021

Naftali Bennett shows weakness on religious freedom for Temple Mount

Following violent clashes that broke out with Muslims on the Temple Mount, the fraudulent premier Naftali Bennett, who initially defended religious freedom on the area made a pathetic backtrack:
Israel’s prime minister Naftali Bennett denied claims a decades-old ban on Jewish prayer atop the Temple Mount was being rolled back after hundreds of worshippers visited for Tisha B’Av.

Some visitors on Sunday were seen reciting scripture on the compound without intervention from Israeli police.

[...] There were brief clashes earlier on Sunday between Israeli police and Muslim worshippers opposed to the Tisha B’Av visits.

No serious injuries were reported in what police described as stone throwing early in the day by several Palestinian youngsters who it said were then dispersed.

Palestinian officials said police forcefully evacuated Muslim worshippers to clear the way for the Jewish visitors and fired rubber-coated bullets.

The visit of over 1,600 Jews, most of them Orthodox, was mostly peaceful, prompting Bennett to thank police for “maintaining freedom of worship for Jews on the Mount”.

But the prime minister’s office said he had misspoken by suggesting both Muslims and Jews should have freedom to worship at the holy site.
No matter what he's insinuating, it's a show of weakness in the face of violence, and demonstrates more of his lies, cowardice and pathetic personality at work. One of the worst things about this is that the Raam party is claiming the area is solely the property of Muslims.

Making matters worse, Yair Lapid's been moral-panicking about evacuating an illegally built Bedoin encampment:
Foreign Minister Yair Lapid warned that evacuating the Bedouin village Khan al-Ahmar will cause political damage to Israel, Ynet reported on Sunday.

Lapid called for a reconsideration of the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar, which has been delayed many times over the years. Among a few reasons, Lapid cited the international pressure that is against the evacuation.
Well that's exactly the problem. Cowardice in the face of such a situation is exactly what's bringing down stability and cohesion in this region.

Update: Nadav Shragai's spoken about how Raam's revealed their true colors.

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