Monday, June 14, 2021

So now a very unaltruistic politician has taken up the premiership role

Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid's farcical coalition for a government took up the role last night, all just in order to oust Benjamin Netanyahu from the leadership role. He had what to say about US fraud-in-chief Joe Biden's poor conduct before stepping down:
Benjamin Netanyahu compared US President Joe Biden administration’s planned return to the Iran deal to US neglect of European Jews during the Holocaust, in his final speech as prime minister on Sunday.

“The administration in Washington asked me not to discuss our disagreement on Iran publicly, but with all due respect, I can’t do that,” Netanyahu said.

He compared the US returning to the Iran deal to former US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt declining to bomb the train tracks to Auschwitz when he had the chance.

At the time, Netanyahu said, the Jewish people “did not have a voice, a country, an army,” but now they do.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett indicated that he plans to continue former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies vis-à-vis Iran, in his address to the Knesset immediately before Netanyahu’s, ahead of the vote to approve a new government under his leadership.

But Netanyahu said Bennett does the opposite of what he says, and therefore, he won’t protect Israel from Iran.

Bennett does not have “the international stature, the knowledge, the government or the public’s trust to be taken seriously when fighting the Iranian threat,”
he said. “An Israeli prime minister has to be able to say no to the president of the US on matters that endanger our existence. I’ll be happy if this doesn’t come true, but from the moment the US returns to the Iran Deal, this government will not approve operations against Iran to stop their armament.”
It's interesting to note that a member of Avigdor Liberman's party, Eli Avidar, quit it because he didn't get the ministerial position he wanted, though he still voted to approve the new coalition, making his moves less than altruistic. It's a shame, of course. No matter how long or not this government will last, one thing is for certain: it's bound to be a disaster.

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